17 thoughts on “Exactly how to Register to Online Competitions in Pokémon S…

  1. Nobody can enter my competition for some reason. They either can’t find it or it won’t let them enter.

  2. I am having two errors when trying to battle via hosting a friendly competition online in battle stadium. 1) I set the regulations so that “Battle time: no limitations, Your Time: 10 minutes” but unfortunately the battle still ended after the 20 minute timer counted down…Has anyone else experienced this? Anyone know of a fix or where to find help? 2) When trying to “Battle” in an online friendly competition, the “search for an opposing trainer” that comes up after clicking “Battle” just ends up timing out and no trainer is found, even though my friend is also searching for an opposing trainer in the same competition.

    If anyone has any info that could be helpful, PLEASE let me know!

    1. Yeah I can’t cause I accidentally signed up for the friendly tournament and I don’t know how to decline or cancel my registration

  3. This was SO helpful I wanted to enter the international friendly as my first online competition

  4. Hi. I have an issue where on sword, it will let me register but it won’t let me on shield. It’s says I have already registered but I haven’t.

  5. Do you have a video explaining how to use the Live Competition feature? I have been looking forever for a step by step. I just want to have a long 6v6 battle with my brother ;~;

  6. I got a erro code 2-ALZAA-0081 You’re participating with other save date and Nintendo say its with pokemon to solved and pokemon say its with Nintendo

  7. The only way you can go on there is to purchase the membership Nintendo pass? For I signed up and did all the requirements to enter, but all it keep on saying “no entry found “ every time I enter.

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